Alaska to get Milestone and Desire

HubSpot recently published some interesting data on Facebook pages and which categories are the most and least “liked”.

Interestingly, Smartphone pages, and technology pages in general, score remarkably poorly – less popular even than pages for pets and with only slightly more “thumbs up” than your average local store.

The truth of the matter, say HubSpot, is that only pages for Movies and TV shows are ever likely to attract fans in their tens of thousands. Facebook fan Pages for smartphones are lucky if they get a couple of hundred followers.

There is of course always an exception that proves the rule. Check out the ‘ACS Wireless’ Facebook page, who have over twelve hundred fans. ACS who? you might ask, I know I did. Only Alaska’s biggest mobile phone company, that’s who. And, what’s more, there is some pretty interesting news to be found there. The release of both Motorola’s Milestone and the HTC Desire was announced on the page just yesterday. No coincidence, probably, that GCI, Alaska’s other big carrier had just announced the release of exactly the same two phones.

Arguably the sharpest pair of handsets on the Android shelf right now, and with both packing 5 Mpx cameras, they should be taking some great photos this summer of all that outstanding Alaskan scenery.