Android Market Problems Continue

Recently Google has been experiencing problems with their Android Market, it started out with Applications not being listed in the market. They finally fixed that problem, however, the market continues to have problems. Many developers, have noticed the market has lost track of their download counts and that they have actually started to go down. Many developers upset with this problem have voiced their opinions on the Android Market Help forum. The only response from Google, that they are looking into the matter, in a blog post posted on Saturday. Many people are upset with Google, and believe that they should be more vocal, Especially since this is the second issue to happen in the recent weeks. As a developer myself, I am hoping Google fixes this issue soon as it is more than just a problem of wanting to know how many downloads you got. The download count is important for a number of things, another company wanting to buy your program, selling ads to specific company’s, etc. So lets hope that this gets resolved soon.