AT&T Cripples Another Android Yet Again

The HTC Aria is the best chance at a home run with Android AT&T has had yet. But somehow they continually find ways to sabotage their best chances. In an increasingly characteristic move for AT&T, they have limited their newest phone to apps only in the Android Market. There is no longer an option to load apps from non-market sources.

The Motorola Backflip limps along in the exact same manner. It should however be noted that this is not a problem with the phone, but a limitation directly imposed by AT&T. Really the complaints should be directed toward AT&T. These phones are highly capable devices which AT&T prevents you from using to their greatest potential. Thus some do not like saying that the phone is crippled more accurately AT&T is crippling it.

I think we are all getting tired of these games. How about you?