Big Brother 12 Mobile App Available for Android Phones

Unlike in the UK, where the Big Brother house mates were finally laid out to rest last year,  in the US, the show continues to go from strength to strength and viewers are being treated to a twelfth season of the controversial show.  And this year a company called AimX have added an extra dimension to the voyeurism with their mobile BB12 App, which is available to download from bigbrothernetwork.com.

For the hard core fans who just don’t want to miss out on the latest BB gossip, the app will pipe all the latest spoilers and updates straight to their phones.

Those hoping that the download will provide live feeds,  the show’s most original concept, are in for a disappointment, the app doesn’t have that feature and they will still have to register for and watch feeds in the usual way: using a browser that supports Flash.

If you are not a Big Brother fan, there is one thing that should put a smile on your face – AimX’s app, which is free to Android and blackberry users will cost iPhone BB fans $1.99. Ha ha!. Still, judging by the gadgets they buy, they don’t seem to mind wasting their money, do they?