Despite being noticeably absent from the rollout list of partners for Google’s Chrome OS last year (Acer, HP, Lenova, Texas Instruments & Toshiba) Dell has recently taken a huge interest in both Chrome OS and Google’s mobile platform, Android.
Dell’s President for Greater China, AMit Midha, recently told Reuters News Service that Dell wants to be the “Leader” in implementing Chrome OS and Android. Midha confirmed to Reuters that talks between Dell and Google were underway but wouldn’t comment further than that.
Dell has been actively working on implementing Android into both its Aero and Streak devices slated for release later this year. Dell is looking to implement Chrome OS and Google’s recently announced, Cloud Print inititiative into it’s laptops and netbooks as an alternative to Windows. Dell isn’t a stranger to offering alternatives to windows, in the past they have worked with Unbuntu. 451 Group Analyst Jay Lyman said “The company likes to keep its options and its future open to emergent and even obscure technologies that may hold more promise down the road”