HTC Aria Rooted Already,Instructions Here

The AT&T HTC Aria is a newcomer to the list of Android devices, and until now the AT&T had put a lockdown in place, restricting users from installing non-market applications. Fortunately, the device has already been rooted. This most likely means that users will be free to install any Android app of their choosing, sometime in the near future. HTC hacker, Eugene373,has used his method from the HTC MyTouch 3G Slide and applied it to the HTC Aria. The process can be a little complicated and should be recommended for experienced users at this time. If you’re bold enough, you can follow the instructions below.

First download the root file here.

Power off the device making sure it is plugged in via USB so that you can access ADB.

Step 1)

Place the contents of the File you just downloaded into the SDK Directory.

Step 2)

Open Command Prompt and CD to the SDK/Tools Directory.

Step 3)

Power on the Slide By Holding Down. ( Volume Down + Power Button )

Step 4)

Now run your loop file from the prompt (either type “loop” in windows or “./loop.sh” in a *nix like)

Step 5)

Once your loop is running in your prompt, select Recovery from the bootloader menu.

Step 6)

When recovery loads, you should Have an Offline Device. You can use ctrl+c to stop your script & see.
If this doesn’t happen, Power Off and try again.

Step 7)

Un-plug your USB cable from the back of your phone & Plug it back in for it to Detect ADB Correctly!!! This is an important step. At this point you can adb devices to see if you can see your device and that it is in recovery mode.

Step 8 )

Select Update.zip from the menu. (This will fail, but we already know that! Select it anyway).

Step 9)

adb push ota.zip /sdcard/update.zip (*nixlike users add a ./ in front of all terminal commands please.)

Step 10)

adb push slideroot.zip /sdcard

Step 11)

This is Very important!! Have this Command ready in your prompt before applying update.zip again!!

adb push update.zip /sdcard

Step 12)

Hit run update.zip, as soon as you see a Little Bar appear under the text push Enter to execute the command in your prompt (adb push update.zip /sdcard )

Step 13)
If successful, you should see Clockwork Recovery. If unsuccessful, repeat steps 12 & 13.

Step 14)

Now, go to the Partitions menu and Mount System

Step 15)

Go back one level & select install any zip from sdcard. Select slideroot.zip & apply update from zip (This will finish the Root process).

Step 16)

Reboot your phone & wait for it to load completely. To confirm that your slide is connected as a device use the command adb devices. If this works, you will see it as a device. Your prompt will say something like:

$ ./adb devices
List of devices attached
HT05YUP12710 device

Step 17)

adb install Superuser.apk (If this looks like it works, but says it cannot locate directories, make sure you can find your device using adb devices… If things still don’t work, my best advice is to start over)

Step 18)

After Superuser is installed try to use adb to shell to your device.
adb shell
you will get a $

Then type su

Superuser should pop-up asking if you give permission, do so.
Your $ should turn into a #. If so, you have root.