ROM: Cyanogen CyanogenMod v5.0.8 Stable for T-Mobile G1/T-Mobile MT3G and Nexus One

Cyanogen has dropped the next version of his Stable ROMs all at the same time.  The new version 5.0.8 has been released for the Dream/G1, MT3G and Nexus.

Cyanogen and his team have become very organized and controlled in their releases and anyone wanting to seriously start developing for the Android platform, or any other platform come to that should take a close look at how they operate.  How long before we see Cyanogen, Inc. ?


–- 5.0.8
* Common: Resync with Google as of 06/08/2010
* Common: Kernel 2.6.34 for DS & N1
* Common: ADWLauncher 0.8.6 by Ander Webbs is now the default launcher (http://github.com/anderweb)
* Common: Complete music app overhaul (with gestures support) by Eliot Stocker (http://github.com/eliotstocker)
* Common: Customizable silent mode – Glenn Maynard (http://github.com/zewt)
* Common: More customizable colors for various parts of the system (in Spare Parts) – Wysie & Bcrook
* Common: Updated translations from Eug89, ThiasB, and Takuo Kitame
* Common: Wired headset hangup/mute control – Krazy Krivda (http://github.com/krazykrivda)
* Common: Updated USB tether and Bluetooth PAN tethering – Stefan Tomanek (http://github.com/wertarbyte)
* Common: Bluetooth DUN tether support (Omni-Tether) – Stefan Tomanek (http://github.com/wertarbyte)
* Common: Various minor bugfixes
* Common: Ability to load custom color theme xml – Wysie
* Common: Various code cleanups all throughout the source – Christian Mehlmauer
* Common: Fix issue where notifications would play thru the HW speaker even if a headset was connected – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Only load IPV6 if persist.net.ipv6 is set – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Enabled experimental Bluetooth voice dialing – copolii
* Common: Fix an NPE in AccountManagerService
* Common: Fix FLAC decoder lock contention – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Fix BlueZ logging – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Fix A2DP not connecting while asleep – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Fix BT control connection race condition (caused A2DP connection failures) – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Fix the “magic music” or “party-in-your-pocket” problem for good – Glenn Maynard
* Common: ADW Launcher settings and Spare Parts are now under the main Settings app – Mehdi ABAAKOUK (http://github.com/sileht)
* Common: Fix brightness going out of range – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Fix parsing of SMS messages from short numbers – Glenn Maynard
* Common: Improve BiDi text rendering – Dudy Kohen
* Common: Fix WindowManagerService issue that could cause apps to get OOM killed out of order
* Common: Busybox updated to 1.16.2 – Dylan Simon
* Droid: New kernel with Compcache support. (Bekit)
* D/S: Kernel tweaks to hopefully improve memory usage- enable TINY_RCU and deadline iosched (I can no longer reproduce the flash_image failures with this configuration)
* D/S: Multitouch and swipe added to legacy gallery app
* D/S: Long standing “disappearing icons” Launcher bug fixed – Glenn Maynard
* D/S: Fix acore crash when pressing hard call button – Glenn Maynard
* D/S: Fix issue where camera use kills all system audio
* D/S: Added antibanding to camera driver
* D/S: Fix bug where some wall chargers could disable the USB port
* D/S: Load the correct audio profile for the device to fix glitchy audio on Dream
* D/S: Default compcache size set to 12MB
* D/S: Offset the lowmemorykiller to allow for use of a fraction of swap (Dumfuq & Farmatito @XDA)
* D/S: Prevent allocation failure when enabling Compcache
* N1: Debounce power button (Arve @ Google)
* N1: Target new radio version (FRF50)
* N1: Wireless driver update from Broadcom
* N1: Use Froyo RIL and dormancy settings
* N1: 720p video recording support from Charansingh & Wysie

Head over To Cyanogen’s AndroidSPIN Developer Homepage for more information and downloads, and be sure to post feedback or bugs on his forum.