App Name: aCar | Armond Avanes
Description:Track the maintenance, fill up, fuel mileage & expenses of your car. Service reminders (e.g. Engine Oil) & useful statistics, charts & reports; plus backup/restore & export/import to/from various sources.
How it works: Install the app from the Android market and open. If you want the full version, select menu and “Donate & Go Pro!”. Then add a car and all of it’s info, and begin adding maintenance records. You can literally track any service record imaginable in this app. If it isn’t already available, and it probably is, then you can add your own service record to track. As service records are added statistics are created so you can view your history in an easy to read way.
Opinion: This is the most full featured, most user friendly, and logical service record app I have ever used. Most auto service apps I have checked out then removed them. This app however will be staying on my phone.
Ratings :
·Speed (5/5) –no points can be deducted here using my results. This app is fast in every way.
·Features (4.5/5) – This app is absolutely full of features. To start with there are already 38 specific services built into the app, with the ability to add what ever else you may need. It also supports landscape mode. It gives you historical data VIA graphs and charts. It reminds you when your service is due, and you can set custom service intervals. You can backup, restore, import, and export your records. You can track multiple vehicles. you can browse and search records. It tracks mileage, cost per day, price per gallon(for fuel), and all of this is graphed and shown also as an average. And on top of all of that it is easy enough to use as to be practical for everyday use. Ok I’ll be a little bit picky here. One thing I would like to have is the ability to take pictures of receipts and save them along with the service record associated with that receipt. There are a couple of reasons for this, one I experienced just today. My car has to use Premium, if you use anything else it doesn’t want to run and really has a fit. After filling up a couple of days ago, today the car started acting up as if I filled up with regular. I though I put Premium in, but was un-sure, so I had to go find the receipt to see what I used. If this app allowed me to attach the picture of the receipt I could have looked at it and known right away what I had used. Secondly, maybe this would just be eye candy, but it would be nice to be able to associate a picture of each vehicle with its corresponding detail page in the app. I Can’t give it 5/5 just yet, but neither is it really 4/5. I would say that from my use 4.5/5 is close enough.
·Theme (4/5) –The theme is decent, it could be prettier, but as far as utility it serves its purpose well and makes for a very clean UI, and a clear workflow.
·Overall (4.5/5) –Again over all this app is good enough that 4/5 isn’t really high enough, but the small things above keep me from giving it a 5/5. This app is well above average as compared to the other apps in this category that I have used. I would recommend this app to any one looking for something to track the service on their vehicle.
Pro: Portrait or landscape view. customization capabilities. speed. historical data. graphs and charts. backup/restore, import/export.
Cons: Inability to attach pictures to service records.
Conclusion: If someone were to ask me what app they should get to track the service records on their vehicle, this is definitely the app I would recommend. With the features it possesses, and the option to add any service category you need, this app is worth the donation to get the full version. The statistics are a wonderful feature if you like to see trends in the function of your vehicles, they can also alert you to possible problems. This app provides a wealth of graphs and charts along with all of the other information. It really is a great app and highly recommended.
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