All Android owners have come to know that the on screen keyboards on their phone, like the EVO 4G, are not the best around. But that is the beauty of Android. Right now there are some pretty good alternatives out there on the market now. All you have to do is download the new keyboard and go into the settings and allow its use. After that you go to the text input and select your new keyboard style. It’s that simple!
One of the newest keyboards out is the new Droid X keyboard. This keyboard offers bigger buttons and even has the ability to touch two buttons at the same time! It comes in several different colors now and even has the heavily sought after microphone button for voice input. If you figure out how to install it, share the wealth….
Swype has a very interesting keyboard out that allows you to drag your finger across the screen to type words. It is full speed ahead! You do not even need to break for space bars. Just keep typing and it will put the space bar in for you. You super texters will love this keyboard. It is amazingly accurate and making corrections is not too hard at all. Unfortunately the beta is closed for Swype but it will be back and will be faster than ever. Definitely worth a try.
SwiftKey is another alternative keyboard that is very similar to Swype. It too is in beta but apparently it offers word ahead prediction which if it works like it should will make things move even faster.
Better Keyboard is out with version 5.6 now. This keyboard is well liked by those custom enthusiasts. Better keyboard can be skinned and customized to their liking. It is in the market for $2.99
ThickButtons keyboard is also an alternative some may want to consider. It is newer but it features predictive text as well. The buttons actually change shape based on predictive text. If you have fat fingers, this is your keyboard. The developers have stayed on top of this app and have offered several updates so give it a shot.