Android Getting Serious Gaming Support from OpenFeint This Summer

We all know that Android is becoming one of if not the major player in the smartphone industry. However, while it has a huge number of great apps and utilities, it lacks greatly in one area that area is gaming. Apple has jumped on the Gaming bandwagon this year with their game center coming this fall, but now they may have competition in yet another area from Android as one of their largest game publishers is going Android.

OpenFeint, from Aurora Faint, and its gaming powerhouse is coming to Android and toting its 9,200 devs and 2,200 games along with it. We should see this later on in the summer. The best part of this is that devs who have been offering their apps on the iPhone through OpenFeint will now be able to get their apps on Android and gain access to those 160,000+ daily activated handsets. They will include their SDK, their game discovery store, and mobile payment options Google Checkout included.

Moving this platform to android is getting big support from some major devs like Glu Mobile, Hudson Entertainment, Digital Chocolate, along with independent developers. The closer the launch comes however there will probably be a greater display of support every day. This means we will see some really great games coming to Android.

“The explosion in mobile online gaming is a phenomenon that affects all members of the mobile ecosystem – from OS developers and OEMs to game developers and players,” said Peter Relan, Executive Chairman of Aurora Feint. “Online games are meant to be played with all of your friends – regardless of mobile operating system. We’ve decided to expand to Android with these mobile gaming giants because all smartphone owners deserve high quality, easy to find games.”

Obviously the gap between iPhone/ipad gaming and android gaming is huge, however this will significantly close that gap allowing Android yet another claim to superiority, and getting several steps closer to becoming the hottest OS in the mobile world.