DVD Jon, aka Jon Lech Johansen, blogs that “Google does far too little curation of the Android Market, and it shows.” Johansen is the co-founder and CTO at a company called double twist. double twist is an iTunes like application that was developed for managing and synchronizing content on several different devices such as Palm, Blackberry and Android.
Johansen went on to complain that even though the Android market is available in 46 countries, developers can only offer paid apps in 13 countries He also states that app prices are not displayed in the users currency and the lack of being able to customize prices for different countries. He goes on to say that users cannot even pay for foreign apps with AMEX cards or through carrier billing.
Many other developers have voiced their complaints on the Google support forums saying the web version of the Android Market only shows a small sample of what is actually out there and that the return policy is “very generous.” There have also been complaints of spam comments around the market place that have yet to be removed.