Devs, Get Your App Featured In The Sprint Zone!

Sprint made an important announcement this morning, with the news that they are giving their customers a free app called The Sprint Zone.

The Sprint Zone is aimed at making life easier for Sprint users. This app includes:

  • My Sprint – tools and information for customers to manage their accounts, pay bills, view voice, text and data usage
  • My Sprint News – keeps customers informed and engaged with up-to-date news and information to enhance their wireless experience
  • Suggested Apps – highlights useful applications in a variety of categories
  • Phone Tips and Tricks – videos and information about how to use their device

The Suggested Apps portion is especially important to Sprint and they are calling for developers to submit their apps for consideration. They are looking for all kinds of apps, but especially those that “make connection, productivity, and entertainment real for millions of mobile phone users.”

They are also looking for innovative apps that make use of the 4G speeds with the Evo and soon the Epic. Featured apps always attract a large audience, so if you’re a developer looking for a great opportunity to reach a wide audience, check out the announcement and submit your app. [Sprint]