It’s no surprise that Google makes buckets of money in advertising revenue. Everywhere you look these days you see a Google Ads section on a website. And although Google says that they’re focused on developing the Android platform for the sake of contributing to the good of the smartphone world, it must have crossed their mind that having more androids would mean another venue of ad revenue. In the first 6 months of 2010, Google revealed that search traffic on Android devices has tripled. In that same period, Google’s mobile traffic has increased 500% on all devices, according to Jonathan Rosenberg, Google’s senior vice president of Product Management. All this increased traffic means a greater possibility and the realization of ad revenue. Good thing they’re only focused on building the platform. Google also mentioned that they would stop selling the Nexus one online as of the end of September. You will then only be able to by the popular phone from retail outlets. Last month Google mentioned that there would be no Nexus Two, stating of course that they wanted to focus on building the android platform. If you build it they will come…
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