High-end Motorola Android Phone for T-Mobile approved by FCC

A phone that resembles the Motorola Motoroi (or Milestone XT720) has just sailed through the FCC with support for T-Mobile’s 3G network. Rumors of a Sholes tablet device for T-Mobile date back to last year, but this is the first hard evidence we have seen in months.

Included in the FCC documents is the model number MB710, external pictures of the device, and an early draft of the user manual which mentions T-Mobile specific services, such as MyFaves (now phased out), and it references Motoblur.

This same device actually appeared on the FCC’s site back in January, but the entry was updated yesterday with the new pictures and a user manual.

The additional time could have been used to refresh the specs to be competitive with today’s Android phones. The original Motorola Motoroi had a 600 MHz OMAP3430, then the newer Milestone XT720 was updated to include a 720 MHz OMAP3440 processor. Motorola’s latest high-end phones (Droid X and Droid 2) are now sporting a 1 GHz OMAP3630, which could be a good candidate for this T-Mobile version.

As we saw with the Droid 2, Motorola can easily swap out the processor and keep same overall phone design. At this point, we will have to wait and see what details materialize about the T-Mobile MB710.

For a better idea of what the final phone might look like, check out Motorola’s commercial for the UK Milestone XT720.