Holy Smokes! Android Market Near 100k Applications!

In September 2009,  Android had just over 10,000 applications and now just ten months later, Android is at 90,000 applications. Android is on pace to surpass 100k applications by the end of this month. Some would argue that quality is better than quantity and that Apple has better quality applications. I have noticed a trend of developers that make Apple applications  have started or have already made Android applications. I believe that Android is starting to take over the quality applications as Android handsets are starting to outsell Apple phones.

How can a user possibly pick what application to put on your phone? There are many websites (like this one!!!) that rate applications and give pros and cons of the applications.  You can also look at www.android.com and select market. This will show you “featured” applications with screen shots. There are also websites that are dedicated to nothing but Android applications like Androidtapp and Appbrain.

The top 5 Android applications are:

  1. Pandora
  2. Google Maps
  3. Facebook for Android
  4. Advanced Task Killer
  5. Google Sky Map