Well what have we here, the very first image of the Motorola Basil/Charm in the wild! Sent via pony express our source was able to get a small hands on last week with the device and came away with one interesting worthy note, the inclusion of a similar touchpad like feature on the back of the device ala the Backflip on AT&T. Not much else was gained from this hands on, specifically the version of Android its running. However, they did state the screen was somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 inches.
Also of note judging by the picture below is that a number of T-Mobile retail stores have started receiving Motorola “Basil” material called the “Motorola Basil Project.” T-Mobile has a love affair with calling its upcoming launches “Project.” Oh well, still pegged for a late July release we’re hoping to hear more news of this device being included in T-Mobile’s back to school sale.