Samsung Epic 4G to Launch Mid-August?

Are you a Galaxy S fan? Cant wait for Sprints second 4G handset, the Samsung Epic? Well, I have some interesting news for you.

@SamdungMobileUS tweeted this July 23rd


Lets move on to SPS TV. If you are a stranger to SPS TV, Let me explain it to you. SPS TV stands for Samsung Product Support Television. Samsung produces a video about a new handset that they are releasing, and puts it on SPS TV. Stay with me.

There are two previous episodes. One for the Samsung Vibrant, and another for the Samsung Captivate.

The Captivate video was posted on 7/19/10 which was the first business day after the official launch on Sunday, 7/18/10.

The Vibrant video was posted on 7/21/10, and the phone was officially released on 7/15/10. HOWEVER, the Vibrant release date was moved from 15th to the 21st to compete with Motorola’s Droid X release.

So, in conclusion – the Samsung Epic 4G should be released on or around August 20th if Samsung’s timely method of releasing phones and SPS TV episodes are correct!