WordUp, Get Scrabbling: Android App Review

App Name:  WordUp by Anthrological

Description: It’s fun to unlock doors, discover ancient secrets, and dispel urban myths. Hey, it’s also fun to find words hidden in a grid! This game is quick, fun, and you’ll end up being smarter than your friends.

How it works:  The objective of Word Up is to find words in a grid before the time runs out. The time can be adjusted from three to twenty minutes; there is also an option for unlimited. To play, drag your finger across the letters and the system will let you know if that is a valid word or not. The scoring system is pretty interesting: three and four letters give you one point, five letters gives you two points, six letters give you three points, seven letters gives you five points and eight or more letters give you eleven points. Just trace you finger on the letters that you believe can be words and at the bottom of the screen you are praised or corrected based on your choice.  Word Up has two dictionaries: one is contemporary while the other is a scrabble like dictionary. You can play up to four players  and even change your cube style.

Opinion: This is an amazing little game. Its awesome how they can fit eighty plus words on the little grid. This game reminds me of scrabble though you did not necessarily have a timer when you played it. This game is feature rich and can keep yo entertained for hours. I ran this game on my G1 froyo. Enjoy!


  • Speed (4/5) –  fast and accurate on screen display
  • Features (4/5) – drag to solve
  • Theme (4/5) – Scrabble type format
  • Overall (4/5) – Great mind juggler.

Pro: entertaining and challenging.

Cons: Dictionary needs work…

Overall: Great mind boggler on those long trips.