Android Does it Again,Beats iPhone in Global Market Share, Says Gartner

After countless reports that Android has overtaken iPhone’s market share in USA, now comes one from the reputable research company, Gartner, that says Android beats the iPhone in market share world-wide, as well. This comes after one of their own analysts, Ken Dualney, has said, in 2007, that “Building an OS is the dumbest thing [Google] could do.”.

In the report you can clearly see how Android has beaten iPhone OS’ market share with 17.2% to 14.2%, and it’s very close to overtaking RIM, as well. It needs just one more percent to reach RIM’s 18.2% market share, and then it will be #2 global leader, behind Symbian, which still has a large market share of 41%.

Here’s Gartner’s Q2 global market share numbers:

Other news say that HTC has finally joined the big boys club, entering the top 10 smartphone manufacturers list. Apple is ranked 7th and Motorola is ranked 6th on this list. If HTC keeps its eyes on Android and doesn’t spend too many resources on Windows Phone 7, they might enter top 5 in a year or two. They are still considered the best Android phone maker out of everyone else, so they just need to keep it up. As Android grows, so will they.

[Via Phandroid]