In the past we’ve heard about Cloud services gone wrong, but now that the devoted Android community is getting devs on it it could be something worth having. The app is called Android2Cloud, and although Google hasn’t officially said anything to give us a better understanding of their plans for the service as they’ve hinted at it, this app will help you get your fix for the moment.
The video below is from Lifehacker and is a demonstration on how using a combination of free Android applications, a Chrome browser plug-in, can bring you the fastest, easiest, and coolest method of sharing URLS between devices.
Check out the video for a better understanding of how the app works. You will need the Chrome browser extension, the app on your Android phone (QR code at the bottom!), and of course a Google account ID to be able to harness the potential of this app. The app can work as simple as looking at a webpage from your phone, tap menu, more, share, and select Android2Cloud. This will make the page you were viewing on your phone appear on your computer through the Chrome browser. Now if third party devs can do this and much much more, imagine what Google could do if they supported and invested in getting Cloud services natively through our Android phones?