Big Speed Boost for Nexus One with this New Radio

Do you love tweaking with your phone’s settings, flashing alternate ROMs, installing new operating systems before general release to the muggles?  Do you have a Nexus One phone?  Is it rooted?  Then this is for you!

XDADevelopers has brought another speed boost to the N1.  In this case it’s a new radio, and one user reports a tenfold speed increase over 3G.  Not everyone is getting similar mindblowing results but this will speed up your 3G performance.

If you aren’t sure what a “new radio” is, you probably should not be attempting this, but I’ll tell you anyway.  The Android OS has a number of components that make it work, and one of them is the Radio Interface Layer (RIL).  The RIL provides an abstraction layer between Android telephony services and radio hardware.  Got it?  There is a radio in your phone.  You are not going to remove the actual radio, you are going to update the software that makes the radio work with the rest of your phone.  Well, you aren’t going to do anything if you didn’t understand that very cursory explanation.  Step away from the developers’ site.

Anyway, for those of you who do understand this, XDA has the radio link and some of the participants are already answering questions on how to install it.  XDA isn’t responsible if you brick your N1, and neither are we.  Fasten your seatbelts, use protection, and back everything up.

Source: AndroidGuys

I also want to acknowledge RadioAndroid for the great graphic and don’t forget to listen to their new show on Aug 24th.