Surprise: Blackberry Users Want Android or iPhone

To be exact, 21 percent of Blackberry users want their next mobile to be an Android OS smartphone.  But to be fair, 29% of them want to switch to an iPhone, and 42% plan on replacing it with another Blackberry.  No discussion whether the 1,067 Blackberry users in AndroidCentral’s statistically unverified poll have the option of buying whatever they want or are locked into Blackberry because their workplace requires it.

This poll, alas, was surveyed before Fun With Antennas was an issue with the iPhone 4.  We’ll keep an eye out for a poll taken post-Antennagate.

AndroidCentral also polled readers about what they switched from in purchasing an Android phone, and the winner(or loser) were Blackberry (38%) by far, followed by Palm WebOS (13%) and Windows Mobile (just under 13%).

Yes, there are a lot of Blackberry users who would rather switch than fight.  57% of Blackberry owners would prefer to use another smartphone.  (That’s 29% who want an iPhone, 21% who want an Android phone, and 7% who want something else but not another Blackberry.)