Facebook Gets A Quick Fix Update To Ail Your Battery Problems, Thank Heavens

Facebook for Android has received another update, wow two in a week, that has to be some sort of record for Facebook on Android, write this in the calenders because this is history if you ask me.

If you know anything about Facebook for Android than you may know that they really haven’t update since Version 1 very much, the build number of this update is only 1.3 and Android has been out for a year and a half. So that’s not a lot.

The beauty of this situation is that Erick Tseng (Former Google Head Of Mobile) now works at Facebook as a Mobile guy, this update could be in direct conjunction with him joining the big Social Giant a few months ago. It could also have something to do with the fact that the CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now using a Nexus One rather than his iPhone to update Facebook news. So he could have wanted something a bit more polished when he updates, either way its a welcome update and most are hoping for more soon, chat is a BIG one that I hear about.

The update earlier in the week tackled the way everything looks, some other issues, how performed, how video worked, it seems like a big over haul and we are glad it FINALLY came, the update of Today is one that takes care of a battery draining issue. It seems like Facebook on Android has this problem, I know for one that the Evo 4G had a similar issue where the battery drained because of Facebook, however, it was a bit more difficult to fix. No worries though everyone, this one fixed it, or so it seems, report if back in the comments if you are having any issues still.