Greedy Early EVO Adopters start to eat the "right" Froyo Update OTA!

There are always those android users that want it all and want it now. Some early adopter EVO users that must have the latest and greatest software on their handsets. What they did is they updated to an EVO Android 2.2 Froyo build ( 3.26.651.3) by downloading and manually installing the firmware onto their devices, which was a non-final build found on HTC’s servers. THe way they installed the firmware after they found it on the server is move the file to the root directory of your SD card, boot the phone into recovery mode (hold the “up” button while the phone is turning on), and select apply update from the associated .zip file — you might also have to rename the file “update.zip” and expect a few other variations in the instructions, user depending.

Now HTC is releasing a fix OTA of Android 2.2 Froyo build ( 3.26.651.6) to correct any problems that may have occurred because of these eager Android . Nevertheless, the usual disclaimers apply before hitting the source link below, especially with HTC already acknowledging that a fix is on the way via official channels.