New Samsung Galaxy 5 and Galaxy 3 Android Handsets Appear

A couple of cute new phones have recently been added to India’s entry-level smartphone line-up.  The Samsung Galaxy 5 comes in at 10,000 rs or about $215 and the Samsung Galaxy 3 comes in at 12,000 or about $250.  They both feature Android 2.1, 3G, expanded audio/video capabilities over stock Android, a Touchwiz interface, and are generally pretty cute.

Strangely, the Galaxy 3 is higher spec’ed than the Galaxy 5.  It is a little counter-intuitive.

The specs of the Galaxy 3 are:

The specs of the Galaxy 5 are:

Some pics of the Galaxy 3 first, then the Galaxy 5 (notice that the 3 comes in black and white):

These phones will start to be available at Indian retailers this week.