“Who is this? What number is this? Crap I don’t know, is it the debt collector wanting my T-Mobile bill paid in full or is it the job interview calling me telling me I got the job, hmm, do I answer, one will give me a long drawn out story about paying and ask for my info and if I hang up they are just calling back, the other will tell me that I will have a constant job and things will be better… oh they hung up. Wish I knew who that was!”
Has that scenario ever been you with your mobile phone? Its been me more times that I want to remember. I’ve had a few apps that take care of some of the problem but it seems that some add more problems whether its some sort of garbage picture app that takes over the call or, whatever it may be… this one seems a bit different.
PrivacyStar makes it so you can find out who it is thats calling, whether its the pizza guy who is lost of the collection company wanting your home phone bill, now you can find out, and if it is the pizza guy you are a ok, but if its the collector and you are sick of their calls, you can just block them with this app as well.
This app is also not something thats really new, it was used on BlackBerry first and ported to android because of its ability and greatness as an app, it actually started as a blocking app and has evolved into what it is today. The bad news is that this app is free, but the web service is not. There are things you can do with the app for sure, but getting the web service is probably ideal.
If you worry about paying a bit here and there, remember that you did or may currently be paying QWEST or whoever you have your home phone service through a fee for caller id, may as well pay one for mobile if its truly that important to you.
Get your FREE 7 day trial now!