Earlier today Google made some announcements about some cool new features. One was about Chrome to Phone and the other was Voice Actions. After this went public, the folks at Vlingo responded by making their own app free! Previously Vlingo sold in the Android market for $9.99 and let me tell you, it is worth every penny. However, as of today, the Vlingo app is 100% free. Vlingo knows it has Google beat in some aspects. Vlingo connects into Twitter, Facebook, and SafeReader to have incoming messages read aloud. Also, Vlingo already works with Eclair and Froyo so you won’t have to wait for any OTA updates to get started! The message below comes from Vlingo.
Our current Android product leverages Facebook and Twitter for example (and here’s a hint–look for more such mash ups coming out very soon in our Vlingo for Android product). And of course we also have other features not yet present in Voice Actions, such as our SafeReader feature that reads your incoming text and email messages to you.