World Round Up: New High-End Phone in China – Galaxy U in Korea – HTC in UK and Hong Kong – Acer in Oz

Never judge a phone by its cover
Make it look like an iPhone and people will buy it. Not true, but that seems to be the mantra being chanted mindlessly by manufacturers. Take the Apanda A70 for (pictured below) example. Being produced in Shenzhen by startup Apanda. It has a1GHz Processor, 4.3 inches of screen and whole gig of ROM and RAM apiece and ready for Android 3.0 when it arrives. A great phone, I’m sure you’d agree. With no news on price or availability yet we can only bring you this picture. Surely the days of people buying an Android as a cheap iPhone imitation are long gone.

No slowing down for HTC
Online UK retailer mobiles.co.uk is adding two new HTC Desires to its already enviable range. The Desire HD and the Desire Z which figures a slide out qwerty keyboard.

Pictures of the Z are being closly guarded but another HTC that we’ve all seen is hitting the streets today, albeit 6,000 miles a way in Hong Kong. The HTC Aria is available there now through Vodafone SmarTone.

Smaller, sweeter Galaxy S, the Galaxy U
We told you before about The Samsung Galaxy U a scaled down version of the gorgeous Galaxy S due to be carried by Korean telecoms giant LG U+. Well here it is. The only real pairing down seeming to be a slightly smaller screen with 3.7 as opposed to 4 inches. I particularly like the white version. Look! No black bevel! Sweet.

Acer moving into antipodean market
Having seen how well Samsung and HTC have done down under, Taiwanese computer company Acer have been eying up the Australian market. Most likely entrant handset would be the super Liquid Stream which has one of the clearest and sharpest screens I’ve ever seen on a phone.