Adobe Air for Android will be here October 8th

The high expectations of Adobe’s AIR for Android should be present in the Android Market on Oct. 8. Developers will be able to upload their apps as soon as the runtimes are live. Basically Adobe® AIR® will let you publish Adobe Flash projects to run as native applications (.apk) for the Android OS. These AIR applications can be delivered to Android devices through Android application stores such as the Android Market. Developers can write new code or reuse existing web content to build AIR applications for the Android OS. Because the source code and assets are reusable across the Flash Platform runtimes, Adobe AIR and Flash Player, it also gives developers a way to more easily target other mobile and desktop environments. For those that wanted a better quality line of apps and games can now have it. Addictive flash games like farmville, we rule will be a joke to flash to Android now. I myself have developed Air Apps through flash and I predict that there will be a huge jolt in the number apps on the android market. Over the next year you will see an abundance off apps on the Android App Market. One notable air application that is on the desktop like tweetdeck is a mere example of what is to be expected on the phones and soon the tablets..

As see on Adobe Air For Android Web-page the Chief Architect for BlogRadio comments on Air for Android:

“It took about four days for us to make the AIR Android version, and 1/2 of those days were spent getting up to speed with the Android tools.

“Code reuse? You bet. Both the desktop and mobile clients use the same interfaces and api calls to interact with server-side infrastructure (which includes our web services platform and our FMS 3.5 servers).

“Two different clients and one server interface; we love AIR!”

– Bruce Hopkins, chief architect for BlogRadio

So remember on October 8th if you have flash already on your device go to the market and download Adobe Air For Android…

What do you think about Adobe Air for Android??