Android ad requests are up 39% month over month!!!!!!

According to a report released by Millenial Media Android ad requests are up my 39% month to month which is a huge improvement in general for the platform. The report also states that since January Android ad requests have grown by 996% which is a massive figure to say the least. The literal saturation of the Android platform amongst huge manufacturers and carriers is becoming hard for advertisers and developers to ignore anymore.

With the sheer growth of the platform due to the consumers ravenous uptake of mobile computing, the operating system shows zero signs of slowing down at all and it is becoming clearer with the Android Market zooming past the 100,000 app mark this last summer that the developers are excited to. This is good healthy news for Android, coupled with the massive growth and money being poured into the platform we are surely going to see some quality products emerging from the market very soon.