Android Windows Phone 7 Theme!!!

What would be the results of a combination of Windows Phone 7 and Android? Android Phone 7 for Launcher Pro and Desktop Visualizer is basically a graphical offer from XDA member newone757. He put an original HDPI theme to answer this question. As this caused great expectation among Android members, andyriot ported the same work to MDPI to fit smaller device screens.

Originally posted by newone757
[Layout] Android Phone 7 (HDPI)

Heres the resources and mini guide to this as promised
clock is just digital clock widget with the date in black so you cant see


Using Launcher Pro Plus or ADW Launcher
Desktop Visualizer

For Horizontal Widgets, Select the 4—1 Desktop Visualizer widget, load your 3—1 png and shortcut, and then resize it to 3—1 when placed on the homescreen

For vertical Widgets its straightforward. Widget size is 1—2.

If you want the dock set it in launcher pro and then use a transparent icon for the launcher in the middle. Transparent Icon not included

More Guidance. Thanks for helpin out

You have to change your home screen to use 5 rows of icons.

If you are interested in this you can find more information in the HDPI theme thread or in the MDPI theme thread.