Dell Can't Resist Android. Wants to Make Google TV's

It seems to me that companies are a lot faster to spot opportunities these days, even companies you probably wouldn’t expect much innovation from. Dell is starting to surprise people not only with announced Android smartphones and tablets, but now it wants to surprise us with Google TV’s as well.

Dell wants to bring Youtube, Netflix an Amazon movies and shows to its TV’s and the best way to do this is by adopting Google TV software, which is also a modified version of Android.

If Dell wants to compete with Sony, then it definitely needs to cut some of the costs and I would suggest starting with Intel Atom. Tegra 2 is just as good or better when it comes to performance but for a lower price, and probably no fan noise, as well.

Hopefully, we’re going to see a lot more Google TV’s soon, because as it stands right now they are a bit too pricey.