Steve Jobs today had a press conference to announce hardware upgrades. In the beginning of the presentation, he noted that Apple has 230,000 daily activations. He then responded with: “We think some of our friends are counting upgrades in their numbers.” This was a direct attack at Google who recently announced that they have 200,000 activations and growing. Jobs stated that they could be including upgrades in their account.
Google immediately released a statement: “The Android activation numbers do not include upgrades and are, in fact, only a portion of the Android devices in the market since we only include devices that have Google services.” Either Jobs does not believe the numbers or he is in serious denial that Android is a force to be reckoned with. And, in fact, Google could be right that the numbers they have might be an understatement, as there are Google devices that are not exactly sanctioned by Google, but they do exist. Could Google be catching up with Apple to be the leading smart phone OS?