The highest famed one-click root program, UnrEVOked, has been updated to version 3.21. Along with being more reliable, this remains to be the easiest program to root you compatible Android smartphone with.
There isn’t too much added to the change log, but there were some obvious needed fixes. As you can see UnrEVOked strives to bring you nothing, but their best.
Perform validation of the ‘misc’ partition before we start to ensure that it’s safe for us to root your phone
Changes timing of root process to make it more reliable (requires one extra reboot now)
The list of phones keeps adding upon itself with this program and users of these phone’s couldn’t be happier. This team is continuously hard at work to bring more phones to this simple, yet very useful program. As one of the original people to try to root their HTC Incredible, using Command Prompt, ADB shell from Android SDK and tutorials, I can tell you that this program is a major relief.
UnrEVOked supports HTC Evo 4G, Droid Incredible, HTC Desire GSM/CDMA, HTC Aria, Droid Eris & HTC Wildfire. NAND Unlock is supported by HTC Evo 4G, Droid Incredible & HTC Desire CDMA.
Source IntoMobile, UnrEVOked