World Round Up: Galaxy Tab Price – Desire HD Down Under – Milestone XT720 Overclocked – German Froyo Farce

iPad killer now has a price tag
I was just listening to a BBC world service radio article about the Samsung Galaxy Tab. They described it as ‘the first real iPad killer’. That’s the BBC, so we know its true. However they also said that nobody knows what the price would be yet. Has the BBC not heard of Amazon? They seem to have a very clear idea. £679.99 ($1,236) in fact for a SIM free P1000. Just to remind you what you’ll get for that hefty sum, the Galaxy Tab comes with Froyo (OS 2.2) 1GHz of CPU speed 16GB internal storage and a crystal clear 7 inch TFT touchscreen. You’ll still have to wait until November 1st to get your hands on it but oversights asides, I agree with the BBC on one score – the iPad is dead.

Desire HD down under
Android handsets didn’t take off in Australia as quickly as they did elsewhere but they are sure catching up fast with Vodafone and 3 both set to carry the superb HTC Desire HD some time soon. For those with a little less wonga to spend, rumor has it that Telstra and Opus are eying up the HD’s little sister the Desire Z.

The Mile-and-a-half-stone
The chunky but nevertheless cool Motorola Milestone XT720 has undergone a fantastic tune up for users in Germany and the UK. Who can now download an upgrade that somehow manages to get 720MHz out of the previously 550MHz chipset. Very clever stuff by all accounts and they also teamed up with the Digital Living Network Alliance to enable users to share their media across devices.

Funnier than Benny Hill
Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. T-Mobile sent their HTC Desire users in the UK the latest Android 2.2 (Froyo) update last week. Which on its own, I will admit, is not that funny. What makes this tale humorous is that they sent out the German language update. Now we all know how great us Brits are at learning other people’s languages. So no confusion there then. Cue silly music and a chase around the park…