World Round Up: Orange T-Mo UK Network Sharing – O2 Update Pulled – Galaxy Tab Price Shock – Streak Update

Best of both worlds
Orange and T-Mobile UK joined forces earlier this to year to, in effect, become one company. However they retained their original branding because traditionally both carriers have appealed to different sectors of the market. This left many of us wondering what the point of it all was (the merger, not existence). Well, now we know, because as of October users will have both networks available wherever they are in the UK with handsets automatically selecting the best signal. This move will also improve data transfer rates and the companies are working on technology that will switch networks mid call, or mid download, if signal strength demands it. Between them Orange and T-Mo clock up around 30M customers so this move amounts to a real difference for a lot of people.

OTA Froyo update pulled by O2 UK
I installed Froyo (OS 2.2) from O2 UK on my HTC Desire this morning and have to say it was as straightforward as an upgrade should be, so imagine my surprise when I read reports that O2 are pulling the update due to customer reports of freezing splash screens. I’ve been trying all morning to locate someone who has had this problem but try as I might I can only find people who downloaded it without fuss. If you know anyone who has had a problem with O2 UK’s HTC Desire 2.2 update, do let us know.

Astronomical prices for Galaxy Tab
As we mentioned yesterday, the lovely Samsung Galaxy Tab is not going to be cheap and to confirm our fears Amazon have just stuck it up on their shelf for a gob-smacking €799 that’s $1,030!

Vodafone today joined in the fray and announced that they will be carrying the Tab too but are saying nothing about the price. With a strong chance that it’ll be the same as the others, I don’t blame them.

Dell still streaking ahead
We reported yesterday that O2 UK are updating the Dell Streak to Android 2.1 sometime soon. Soon, it would seem, is today. Yay!