Dude, Where's My CherryPad? Orders Unfulfilled?

Have you seen the seven inch CherryPad C515 Android tablet?  Neither has anyone else.

CrunchGear reports that the $188 tablet with Android OS 2.1 was announced in September with delivery set for October 15th.  One unhappy customer placed an order and was given a “tracking number” on October 20th.  The tracking number doesn’t track to any delivery services in the United States.

Zecozi, who handles the online sales for CherryPal, sent a message to customers that says, basically, we take your money, they send you tablets, not our fault.  The actual message, though, really gets across that sense of “why are you bothering us with your problems?”

I have nothing negative to say about Cherrypal as I believe their products are great and I am sure you would be happy with them once they arrive. My concern is that we are receiving many emails and calls form individuals who are not happy that they have not received their product yet and they think we are the ones who are shipping it to them. Our reputation is paramount to us and we want your experience to be the best it can be.

Curiously, there are only two reviews for the tablet on CherryPal’s store site.  One user is asking when it will arrive, the other claims to have received it on October 20th.

The unhappy customer mentioned above mentioned that the CherryPal “forum” keeps substituting the word “issue” when someone types “scam.”  Nobody is allowed to answer questions there, except the Admin, who says the units were delayed because of a typhoon in the Phillipines.  Is that why they’re late, when they’re shipped from Hong Kong?

One customer reportedly received the CherryPad and inquired about some performance issues.  Here’s the response from the administrator:

First, we are happy that you received your CherryPad.

You are probably aware that you disappointed a lot of folks who accused Cherrypal of scam or even worse, affiliation with Taliban, blew up the World Trade Center, caused the real estate meltdown, planning WWIII.

Seriously, your feedback is very much appreciated. Although we shipped a lot of CherryPads only few customers participate in the community board. If you find some time please respond to the “hate” blogs and “scam” media coverage today and confirm that the CherryPad is real. […]

There are surprisingly few posts on the forum.  Given that CrunchGear’s tipster said there were an “increasing number” of concerns on the board, I’m wondering if the complaints were removed.  I couldn’t find the post about the delays caused by a typhoon in the Phillipines, either.

Has anyone actually seen one of these CherryPads?