Kaspersky to Launch Security Solution for Android

Kasperky is announcing that they will provide a security solution for Android that’s coming in November.

Kasperky has been the best anti-virus for PC for a decade now, in my opinion. I’ve never been worried about getting my PC infected when I’ve had Kaspersky installed, even if I was intentionally accessing an infected folder or file. That’s how good Kaspersky is.

Them coming to Android, can only be of great benefit to users who want to be 100% protected against any malware apps from either the Android Market, or from any other 3rd party location.

Kaspersky believes that by the end of 2011, they will have at least 1 million subscribers, and that’s only the beginning. They must be big believes in Android, especially after some of Gartner’s latest reports that Android will overcome Symbian by 2014 (I believe much sooner) and that it’s already #1 OS choice in USA, which says a lot about the global trends, too.