Rogers releases Samsung Captivate Pricing and Froyo Update Info

Rogers has gracefully provided us with a 3-year contract price of $149.99 for their Samsung Captivate. The name is fitting as that price will certainly captivate lots of potential Android users. This is a device that is sporting Android 2.1, 4-inch Super AMOLED display, 5MP Camera and much more. If you aren’t already sold on the idea of picking up this powerhouse device, Rogers is offering the device for $549.99 without a contract. Makes the contract look even better, huh?

Now, this device is running Android 2.1 out of the box but naturally, everyone is concerned about the future of this device. Rogers has responded to these questions on their blog to give us a little insight. “Expect an update to OS 2.2 to be available early 2011.” AWESOME!

Overall, this sounds like it’s too good to be true, but alas it is not. Canadians have a good deal coming their way. Will you be taking advantage? Share your thoughts in the comments below.