Recently, there was an army of new devices said to be coming to Verizon on November 11th which includes the Droid 2 Global, Droid Pro, Motorola Citrus and the HTC Merge. Quite a line up. BUT, that’s not what we are here to discuss.
For those of you who can’t wait until November to get their Android on, VZW is releasing two more devices before then. The Samsung Continuum and LG Vortex are slated to arrive on October 29. The Continuum comes with the unique dual-screen design but the Vortex isn’t bring anything to brag about with regard to power like some of the phones that will be following its release 2 weeks later. Although, these devices may not be best for power users, they are great for a new Android user or someone looking for a lower-level device.
No official word on pricing schemes for these but don’t expect these to cost a fortune. Less than $199.99 is a safe assumption.
I’m curious what your thoughts are about this dual-screen design from Samsung, do you think this is a new feature that users will love or hate? Share your thoughts in the comments below.