T-Mobile Un-Roots itself After Re-Boot

Android users pride themselves on having an operating system that is “free” to the extent that if they wanted to, they could completely customize the phone any way they wish. With the much-anticipated T-Mobile G2 out, the first thing usually done is to root. To the surprise of many, when the phone was rebooted after root, it would uninstall whatever previous software was uploaded and return it to the original stock software.

We want Android to remain an open platform, but far too many features are being taken away from the phone, giving the carriers the liberty to do what they please. They advertise that they are enhancing the phone, but what they are truly doing is taking away the very essence of what is Android: Open. XDA is currently hard at work, figuring out a dozen different ways to get root on the G2 to stick and I hope they succeed because then, we can say it is an open platform.

Via: InToMobile