Video: Logitech Revue Video Chat on Your TV

Has your Logitech Revue arrived yet?  Orders for the Google TV unit have been shipping out and should be rolling up to buyers’ porches all over.  And it’s available at Best Buy, so if you didn’t get your order in, no worries (unless it sells out before you get there).

Just set yourself up with Logitech’s video cam (the one optimized for the Revue that makes video calling look as good as an HD broadcast — for an extra $149), send your family another setup as an early holiday present, and you’re in business.

Or don’t send them anything, the Vid app on the Revue is available on the web and can run on a PC or Mac too.  One fifth of all adults have already made a video call.  If your family are among the four-fifths who haven’t, maybe this will have them join the club.

Have a look at this Logitech video to see video chat in action, and you’ll spring for the camera, too!

Source:Logitech Blog