Facebook Notifications for Android Devices?! Is it finally here?


As I wrote this article a few days ago things were looking great for this App.  It since ran into multiple bug problems due to thousands of downloads in minutes and wasn’t prepared for it.  They pulled the app from the market and began giving refunds to buying customers.  The developers have since decided to put out a FREE Beta version which is now available on the Market, hence the republishing of this article with this update.

The developers would love for you to try it and email them with any issues your having at “[email protected]”.  The following is the original article I wrote on Thursday, enjoy!

The iPhone Facebook app has had push notifications for as long as I can remember.  I used to get those popups on even my lowly ipod.  Android?  Nope.  Nadda.  Never.  Not even one.

We as Android users have always known, even if we hide our dissapointment, that iPhone apps are generally better and more feature packed.   No one can explain to me however, the reason behind the Facebook app not including push notifications.  Facebook just held their huge pow-wow a couple days ago and introduced a new app for Android.  I was so excited because I was for sure the app would include the one feature we all wanted but never had.  Did it?  No.  A big slap in the face from them if you ask me.  Was there any reason given as to why we still dont have a feature the app on iphone has had for, well.. forever.  Again, a big fat NO.

I guess I could sit here and bitch all day about not getting push notifications in the new app, or I could go ahead and tell you… ITS HERE!  Yeppers, push notifications have arrived for ALL android OS versions not just 2.2.  This wasnt brought to us by Facebook or Google (who actually owns the company that makes the Facebook for android app.) but its being provided through an app just released to the market less than an hour ago.

Meet Pushee.  Pushee brings to the people, what the people want.  I suggest we all head over to the Market and get ourselves a copy and Finally get notified instantly when something happens on our Facebook account.  To late for elections, but a little baby shaking and hand kissing by the developers might just get them my next vote!

FYI:  A full review will be posted later, but I couldn’t hold back my excitement over the fact that this feature is finally available.