Flexible, Galaxy S-Quality Super AMOLED Displays TBA Next Week

How awesome would it be to be able to take the super rich display off your Galaxy S phone and bend it or wrap it around your wrist?  Sounds pretty cool right?  Next week in Japan at the Flat Panel Display Convention, Samsung will officially announce their flexible 4.5 inch WVGA (800—480) AMOLED displays.

These durable displays have the same awesome color quality of the Galaxy S line but can be rolled into a radius of just one centimeter.  We are not sure what kind of products will be made with this technology, but can you imagine wearing a AMOLED hat where you can change the picture, or even a shirt?  Hoon-gi Min at Samsung said,  “With this revolutionary technology to make products that are thin, light, and flexible, we will overcome the current limits for designs of IT products.”

For a little demonstration, check out the video below.  Can’t wait to see what kinds of cool new things Samsung will do with this.
