Tired of the same old launcher? Well sometimes we all get that way and we look for something shiny and new. With so many Home Replacement Apps out there, we crave more. More just got better. Leaked last night was the Dell Streak UI and I must say its pretty stellar on my 2.2 Vibrant.
Like many of us, the Dell Streak was a hit and miss, but the UI is utterly amazing. Now this UI requires Android OS 2.2, there is no 2.1 version so do not even try. This works well on the myTouch 4G and the G2. I have personally tested this on Macnut R8 on my Vibrant and can confirm it functions flawlessly. Now on Macnut R9 and Macnut R10 the call button at the bottom is non functional. The dialer application works, it just isn’t connecting to the UI for some reason. I have emailed eugene_373 to see if there can be a fix for this as I would love to make this UI my daily driver.
Installation is easy. Just follow this LINK and pick up the file. Once it has downloaded, unzip the folder and move the Dell Stage folder to your phone’s internal storage. Access it as you would with your favorite file explorer. Install all 8 APK files and hit home to be able to select Dell Stage. There is some lag at times and sometimes the widgets force close, but this was very minimal. I will keep testing this to figure out the positives and negatives and I suggest you do the same.
Fist Pumps to the development of yet another great Android UI…Enjoy!
Check Out The Video and Some Screen Shots