Its Time For An Overhaul…Market Style!

The Evil Empire of Jobs and Company may have announced Beatles coming to Itunes, but all that was trumped by GOOGLE and their announcement of a Market Update, which is more like an overhaul.  So the dev tools are indeed better. So the Publishing Interface will now have Hi Res Graphics, Promotional Videos, Featured Images, and more which for people on the user end is killer.

This can only mean an even bigger update for the Actual Market is coming as well to include tablet goodies and we may finally get a Web Based Market that we all need and will all love (at least I will).

Here are all the new options available to developers publishing their apps, in addition to the 2 screenshots and the promotional graphic+text (I can’t think of a place where the latter is used):

  • High Resolution Application Icon – 512w x 512h, 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha). This seems to be a required field now
  • Feature Graphic – 1024w x 500h, 24 bit PNG or JPEG (no alpha), will be downsized to mini or micro
  • Promotional Video – Enter YouTube URL

The existing Promo Text and Promo Graphic fields are probably about to start playing a big role as well, as they’ve been sitting idle for as long as I can remember.

Can you smell the gingerbread goodness? and all the glory we are about to receive, indeed Holidays are here and they are guuuuuuud!