I love me some gingerbread on Thanksgiving! Some tipster over at xda-developers delivered some tantalizingly blurry pics of what he/she claims is the Nexus S.
I wonder if these pictures are intentionally blurry, as even handset cameras generally come out clearer than these pics would have you believe.
The tentative specs of the Nexus S are as follows:
- ArmV7 CPU – Could be Dual Core
- Open GL ES Supported
- 512 or 328MB Ram (Not 100% known)
- 1GB or 2GB Internal Memory (Not 100% known)
- 800—480 Screen Resolution
- 4″ Screen Size
- SuperAmoled2 – Possibly
- 720P HD Video
So, really we don’t know much. Also, keep in mind that the original Nexus S appears to have been tossed back by early testers. Perhaps it will be replaced by a dual-core version.
It is really likely that the Nexus S will be launched along with Gingerbread any day now. Some people are speculating that Andy Rubin will launch Gingerbread (and maybe the Nexus S as well) when he speaks at the D: Dive into Mobile event on December 6. Is a Nexus S your next phone? Is it underwhelming? Are you starting to lose faith in Android because Gingerbread is so long in coming? Let us know what you think below in the comments.
Check out the gallery for some blurry pics!