It seems that with the popularity of the Android OS, everyone wants to join the bandwagon. In order for companies to jump in, they need to have people skilled in working with Android.
In oDesk’s annual Online Employment Report, they listed Android skills as number 40 in a list of skills that will get you a job (iOS skills is at #23 in the same report). They also showed, as per the picture above, that demand for Android skills in the job market is up 710% from October last year! This is based on how many job postings there were on the oDesk website that had the Android theme.
In last year’s report, they listed Android skills as number 110 on that list. This trend is definitely reflected in the Android Market, with more and more big name software developers releasing apps.
oDesk is an a very interesting idea for a job website. An employer posts a help-wanted ad with them, and people can sign on for that job from across the world, and get paid an hourly wage. It is a really easy way to outsource, and it only pays hourly for single jobs (or gigs, as CraigsList would call them).