Samsung is not sitting still with their Super AMOLED displays. They know how popular they’ve been for Galaxy S, and now they want to copy that success into their upcoming tablets. They’ve just announced that they will unveil a new 7″ Super AMOLED display next year that has a resolution of 1200 x 600.
I’m not sure why they went for such a wide 2:1 resolution, considering that nothing that exists today makes use of it. I think even regular 16:10 resolutions are a little too wide for a tablet, at least when you intend to use them vertically. It looks awkward when trying to read a book on a 16:10 or 16:9 resolution, vertically. However, it might not be very noticable on a 7 inch tablet as it is on a 10 inch tablet, which is why I think LG and probably other tablet makers as well, will choose to go with a 9 inch Android tablet.
Hopefully, Samsung’s Super AMOLED screen will be the second generation one that comes with half the power usage. This is important, especially when you consider that the current AMOLED and Super AMOLED screens consume up to three times the power of an LCD on white backgrounds. This would kill a tablet’s battery life that is mostly used for browsing. I also hope there will be no more subpixel issues that make reading less crisp than on LCD.