T-Mobile Comet specs, don't forget to grab your' monocle and magnifying glass!

So today you are Sherlock Holmes and we are your’ supporting cast.  We’ll give you the lowdown but its up to you to analyze and formulate an opinion on the subject, then let us know what you think!

T-Mobile Comet AKA (Huawei Ideos) is coming to T-Mobile on November 3rd, our friends over at AndroidCentral.com were nice enough to get the break for all of us on the specifications of the device.  The comet will come with Android 2.2, swipe and wifi.  This phone is going to be marketed as an entry-level android device.  This is the first Huawei to come to T-Mobile’s line up with android and I am sure they are very excited to be carrying it.  Who might this phone interest?  Chances are if you are reading this you are an android junky and probably won’t set your’ Nexus 1 down for this phone, but what phone is your brother, sister, mom, or dad using?  Can you see this one in their hand?  I’ll bet T-Mobile can.

Now is the time to check out all of the images below and let us know what you think about this new device!  Is this device a good move for T-Mobile?  Android in general?  Are you going to consider picking one up?

Thank you Android Central for this great information!